Sutherland River Provincial Park and Protected Area

Sutherland River Provincial Park and Protected Area

Sutherland River Provincial Park and Protected Area is a provincial park in British Columbia, Canada.

Sutherland River Park and Protected Area is located at the east end of Babine Lake. It makes up a portion of the Sutherland River Drainage. In 2000, Sutherland River Park was designated a class A Park following the recommendation of the Lakes Land and Resource Management Plan. In 1999 it was designated a protected area by the Vanderhoof Land and Resource Management Plan.

The Sutherland River is a spawning site for sockeye and steelhead fish, as well as being a habitat for moose, grizzly bears, and wolves.

The park offers fishing, canoeing and kayaking, hiking, camping and hunting.

External links

* [ Website] from the British Columbia Ministry of Environment

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