Research Papers in Economics

Research Papers in Economics

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 57 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The "heart" of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, preprints, journal articles and software components. The project started in 1997. Its precursor NetEc dates back to 1993.

RePEc provides links to over 275,000 full text articles. Most contributions are freely downloadable, but copyright remains with the author or copyright holder. It is the [ second largest/most visible internet repository] of academic material in the world.

Materials to RePEc can be added through a department or institutional archive or, if no institutional archive is available, through the Munich Personal RePEc Archive ( [ MPRA] ). Institutions are welcome to join and contribute their materials by establishing and maintaining their own RePEc archive.

Leading publishers, such as Elsevier and Springer have their economics material listed in RePEc. RePEc collaborates with the American Economic Association's EconLit database to provide content from leading universities' working paper or preprint series to EconLit. Over 700 journals and over 1900 working paper series have registered, for a total 325,000+ articles, 80% of which can be found online.

The information in the data base is used to rank the 15,000+ registered economists. Robert Barro is currently the highest ranked economist, followed by Joseph Stiglitz and Andrei Shleifer.

Use RePEc

The following web sites offer various services provided by RePEc:
* [ EconPapers] - Economics at your fingertips. EconPapers provides access to RePEc, the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software.
* [ IDEAS] - the complete RePEc database at your disposal. Working papers, journal articles, software components, author information, directory of institutions.
* [ NEP] (New Economics Papers) - Free email notification of new downloadable working papers for over 40 specific fields. NEP Archives are available.
* [ RePEc Author Service] - Author registration
* [ EDIRC] - Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World.
* [ LogEc] - Detailed access statistics for RePEc items and authors.
* [ Citec] - Citations from items in the RePEc database.
* [ WebEc] - free information on economics on the web (WWW Virtual Library)
* [ Inomics] - downloadable working papers integrated with information on economics conferences, job information, and Internet search for economists
* [ MPRA] (Munich Personal RePEc Archive) - Personal repository for working papers in economics.
* [ SPZ] - An online workplace for researchers, tutors and students within the RePEc information space.
* [ Socionet] - A Russian (and Russian language) implementation of the RePEc method and database as the collective information environment for the social sciences. Database customization and filtration by a "personal information robot".



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