- Shinshu University
name = Shinshu University
native_name = 信州大学 ("Shinshu Daigaku")
motto =
established =1949
type = National
president=Atsushi Komiyama
city = Matsumoto
state = Nagano
country =Japan
undergrad = 8,000
postgrad = 2,000
staff= 2,000
campus =
free_label = Member of
mascot =
free =
website= [http://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/english/index.html Official Web-page]nihongo|Shinshu University|信州大学|Shinshū Daigaku|extra=abbreviated as 信大 "Shindai" is a national university in
Nagano Prefecture ,Japan . The University has five campuses in Matsumoto, Nishi-nagano (Nagano), Wakasato (Nagano), Ueda and Minami-Minowa, and 8 faculties with a total of around 10,000 students.The university was founded at the start of the Japanese new university system in 1949, by integrating the following preceding academic schools and institutions: Matsumoto Higher School, Matsumoto Medical School, Nagano Teachers' College, Nagano College of Engineering, Ueda College for Textile Manufacturing.
Shinshu University has since
2004 been incorporated as a national university corporation under a new law which applies to all national universities in Japan.Despite the incorporation, which has led to increased financial independence and autonomy, The University is still practically controlled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
*Arts and Humanities (Matsumoto Campus)
*Medicine (Matsumoto Campus)
*Science (Matsumoto Campus)
*Agriculture (Minami-minowa Campus)
*Economics (Matsumoto Campus)
*Education (Nishi-nagano Campus)
*Engineering (Wakasato Campus)
*Textile Science & Technology (Ueda Campus)Faculty members
Morinobu Endo , carbon nanofiber
*Yatsuka Nakamura , mathematicsExternal links
* [http://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/english/index.html Official Web-page]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.