

river_name = Eem

image_size = 250px
caption = Location of the Eem
origin = Gelder Valley
mouth = Eemmeer
basin_countries = Netherlands
length_km = 18
elevation_m = 2
mouth_elevation =
discharge = convert|4|m3|cuft|0|abbr=on to convert|70|m3|cuft|0|abbr=on
watershed =

The Eem (formerly the Amer) is a river in north Utrecht Province in the Netherlands with a length of approximately convert|18|km|mi|0.

The river is fed by the Vallei Canal and a number of Veluwe creeks, the most important of which are the Heiligenberger, the Barneveldse and the Lunterse, all of which come together in Amersfoort. The river then runs through the Eem Valley to the east of Soest, Baarn and Eemnes before emptying into the Eemmeer. The Eem is responsible for the largest portion of the drainage of the Gelder Valley. The polders of the Eem are valuable scenic landscapes.

Because of land subsidence as a result of drainage, the river lies higher than the surrounding land. When water levels drop in the summer, water is pumped from the Nederrijn to the Eem through the Valleikanaal. Because of biological polution carried by the Eem towards the Eemmeer, the biological richness of this lake is less than that of the other lakes which surround Flevoland.

The Eem gives its name to the Eemian interglacial era.



External links

* [ The Eem in Pictures] nl icon

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