- Rex Mundi (Dark Horse Comics)
Supercbbox| title = Rex Mundi
comic_color = background:#80ff80
caption = Cover to "Rex Mundi" #16. Art by Juan Ferreyra.
schedule = Irregular
format = Ongoing
publisher =Dark Horse Comics (formerly published byImage Comics )
date = August 2003 – "present"
issues =
main_char_team =
writers =Arvid Nelson
artists = (former) Eric J; (current)Jim Di Bartolo ,Juan Ferreyra
colorists = (former)Jeremy Cox ; (current) Jim Di Bartolo, Juan Ferreyra
creative_team_month =
creative_team_year =
creators = Arvid Nelson, Eric J"Rex Mundi" is an American
comic book published byDark Horse Comics (having moved fromImage Comics in 2006), written byArvid Nelson and drawn by Argentinian artistJuan Ferreyra .The series is a quest for the
Holy Grail told as a murder mystery. It is set in the year 1933, in analternate history Europe , where magic is real, feudalism persisted, and theProtestant Reformation was crushed by a still politically powerfulRoman Catholic Church . All of this is woven together as "… a meditation on the prophecies surrounding the advent of theBahá'í era.” [ [http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=17297 Arvid Nelson talks "Rex Mundi"] by David Press, Staff Writer, Comic book Resources.com] The book takes its name from theLatin term meaning 'King of the World'. It is derived from theCathar heresies of theMiddle Ages , and taken up in works likeHoly Blood, Holy Grail . Within the Cathar context it seems to have been equated with theDemiurge .History
"Rex Mundi" writer and co-creator Arvid Nelson came up with "Rex Mundi" while in
Paris helping to film a documentary on the "Paris Review ", a literary magazine founded byIvy League ex-pats in the 1950s [http://www.irosf.com/q/zine/article/10103 Interview with Arvid Nelson] , " [http://www.irosf.com/ Internet Review of Science Fiction] ", December 2004 (login required)]It was the first time I had been to Europe and it radically changed my view of the world", Nelson says of the period. "All the history that had seemed so dull and remote in high school became suddenly visceral and alive."
Surrounded by the juxtaposition of being in an ancient city in otherwise modern times, Nelson says he had the idea, although very vague at the time, about a story set in a place that looked modern but was actually medieval.
When speaking of his plans for the story, Nelson said that it would remain primarily set in Europe, but the very end will involve a Muslim Spain.
"Rex Mundi" artist, Juan Ferreyra, cites photographer
Eugene Atget , artistAlfons Mucha andCoco Chanel among the many visual references for his work in Rex Mundi."Rex Mundi" was initially published by
Image Comics , starting in 2003. In August 2006 it moved to Dark Horse. This came about because series co-creator, Arvid Nelson, sent the Image collections to Dark Horse editor, Scott Allie. Dark Horse then expressed interest in taking over the publication of "Rex Mundi", and Nelson accepted as he felt this was an incredible opportunity that he wanted to take full advantage of. [http://www.nyxxunderground.com/HOME/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1940 Rex Mundi "moves from Image to Dark Horse"] , NYXX Underground.com,March 27 ,2006 ]In all, eighteen issues were published by Image before the series moved to Dark Horse.
Film adaptation
There have been a number of rumours about a film version of "Rex Mundi". In 2006,
Jim Uhls was hired to write a script forJohnny Depp to star in and produce. [http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-scriptland20sep20,1,5179958.story?track=crosspromo&coll=la-headlines-entnews&ctrack=1&cset=true King of the world of adaptation] , LA Times,September 20 ,2006 ] It is not known how much further production has progressed since then.Arvid Nelson confirms the rumor of the movie, and working withJohnny Depp . [http://housewifeinhollywood.com/my-interview-with-arvid-nelson/] , Housewife in Hollywood,June 11 ,2008 ]Related comics
Rex Mundi devotes space in each issue to a fictitious newspaper, "Le Journal de la Liberté", which enables Nelson to embellish events elsewhere in the setting without writing them entirely in his storylines, thus giving readers some useful, but not always essential, background.
The official website for "Rex Mundi" initially carried a spin-off comic series called "Brother Matthew". Prior to the breakdown in the creative team of Nelson and Johnson, Nelson had commented that he was considering another comic series set in the same universe as "Rex Mundi" with different characters.
"Rex Mundi" has been collected in the following
trade paperback s.References
External links
* [http://jefandart.blogspot.com/ Series artist Juan Ferreyra's blog]Interviews
* [http://www.comixology.com/podcasts/27/Rex-Mundi-with-Arvid-Nelson Podcast interview] with Arvid Nelson at [http://www.comixology.com comiXology]
* [http://www.ninthart.com/display.php?article=427 Americans in Paris: An interview with EricJ and Arvid Nelson] , Ninth Art,11 November ,2002
* [http://www.popimage.com/content/viewnews.cgi?newsid1027577583,41842, Interview with Rex Mundi Creators Arvid Nelson & Eric J] , PopImage.com, undated
* Interview: Rex Mundi Collected ( [http://www.popimage.com/content/viewnews.cgi?newsid1073819552,24088, part 1] , [http://www.popimage.com/content/viewnews.cgi?newsid1073819725,87717, part 2] ), PopImage.com, undated
* [http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=17297 Arvid Nelson talks "Rex Mundi"] ,Comic Book Resources , July 18, 2008Reviews
* [http://thedailycrosshatch.com/2007/03/08/rex-mundi-book-iii-the-lost-kings-by-arvid-nelson/ Review of "Rex Mundi Book III, The Lost Kings"] , The Daily Cross Hatch, March 8, 2007
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