SCR 1845-6357

SCR 1845-6357

Starbox begin
name = SIMBAD link|DENIS-P+J184504.9-635747|SCR 1845-6357A
Starbox observe
epoch = J2000.0 (ICRS)
ra = RA|18|45|05.26
dec = DEC|−63|57|47.8
appmag_v =
constell = Pavo
Starbox character
class = M8.5The very nearby M/T dwarf binary SCR 1845-6357, Markus Kasper, Beth A. Biller, Adam Burrows, Wolfgang Brandner, Jano Budaj, and Laird M. Close, "Astronomy and Astrophysics" 471, #2 (August 2007), pp.655–659. bibcode|2007A&A...471..655K. doi|10.1051/0004-6361:20077881.]
b-v =
u-b =
variable =
Starbox astrometry
radial_v =
prop_mo_ra = 2444
prop_mo_dec = 696
parallax = 259.45
p_error = 1.11
parallax_footnote = The Solar Neighborhood. XVII. Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9 m Program: 20 New Members of the RECONS 10 Parsec Sample, Todd J. Henry, Wei-Chun Jao, John P. Subasavage, Thomas D. Beaulieu, Philip A. Ianna, Edgardo Costa, and Rene A. Mendez, "Astronomical Journal" 132, #6 (December 2006), pp. 2360–2371. bibcode|2006AJ....132.2360H. doi|10.1086/508233.]
absmag_v =
Starbox detail
mass= 0.07
temperature= 2600
Starbox catalog
names= DENIS-P J184504.9-635747, 2MASS J18450541-6357475, SCR J1845-6357,SIMBAD link|DENIS-P+J184504.9-635747|DENIS-P J184504.9-635747, entry, SIMBAD. Accessed on line June 17, 2008.] SCR 1845A

SCR 1845-6357 is a binary system, about 12.6 light-years away in the constellation Pavo. The primary, SCR 1845-6357A, is a red dwarf star with a mass of about 7% of the Sun's. However the measurements are still preliminary and are subject to change.cite journal | last = Research Consortium on Nearby Stars | first = Georgia State University | date = January 1, 2008 | title = THE ONE HUNDRED NEAREST STAR SYSTEMS | journal = [ RECONS] | url = | accessdate = June 17, 2008]

Starbox begin
name = SIMBAD link|SCR+J1845-6357B|SCR 1845-6357B
Starbox relpos
primary = A
angdistsec = 1.064 ± 0.004
angdistref =
posang = 177.2 ± 0.06
posangref =
projsep = 4.10 ± 0.04
projsepref = Observed projected distance computed from parallax and observed angular distance.]

Starbox character
class = T6
b-v =
u-b =
variable =
Starbox detail
mass= 0.04 to 0.05
gravity = 5.1
age= 1.8·109 to 3.1·109

This star has been found to possess a brown dwarf companion, designated SCR 1845-6357B. The companion, classified as a T-dwarf, has an observed projected distance of 4.1 AU, an estimated mass between 40 and 50 times the mass of Jupiter, and an estimated effective temperature of 950 K.

ee also

* OTS 44
* Cha 110913-773444
* List of nearest stars


* Hambly, N.C., "et al", 2005, "The Solar Neighborhood. VIII. Discovery of New High Proper Motion Nearby Stars Using the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey", "The Astronomical Journal", Vol. 128
* Deacon, Niall R. "et al", 2005, "The Solar Neighborhood. XI. The Trigonometric Parallax of SCR 1845-6357", "The Astronomical Journal", Vol. 129.
* B.A. Biller "et al", 2006, "Discovery of a Brown Dwarf Very Close to the Sun: A Methane-rich Brown Dwarf Companion to the Low-Mass Star SCR 1845-6357", "Astrophysical Journal Letters".

External links

* [ New Objects within 20 light-years] at SolStation.
* [ VLT Finds Very Cool Brown Dwarf In The Neighborhood] (SkyNightly) Mar 22, 2006
* [ SCR 1845-6357]

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