Suchdol nad Odrou

Suchdol nad Odrou

Geobox | Settlement
name = Suchdol nad Odrou
other_name =
category = Market Town

image_caption =

symbol = Suchdol nad Odrou CoA CZ.jpg
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =
country = Czech Republic

state =
region = Moravian-Silesian
region_type = Region
district = Nový Jičín
district_type = District
commune = Nový Jičín
municipality =
part =
river =
location =
elevation = 272
lat_d = 49
lat_m = 38
lat_s = 54
lat_NS = N
long_d = 17
long_m = 56
long_s = 3
long_EW = E
highest =
highest_elevation =
highest_lat_d =
highest_long_d =
lowest =
lowest_elevation =
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_long_d =
area = 22.99
area_round = 2
population = 2539
population_date = 2006-08-28
population_density = auto
established = 1293
established_type = First mentioned
mayor = Miroslav Ondračka
timezone =

map_background = Czechia - background map.png map_caption = Location in the Czech Republic
map_locator = Czechia
commons = Suchdol nad Odrou
statistics = []
website = []
footnotes =

Suchdol nad Odrou (German: "Zauchtenthal") a market town in Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. It was from Suchdol/Zauchtenthal that many of the first religious refugees beginning in 1722 came to the estate of Count von Zinzendorf to begin the building of Herrnhut and later to renew the Unitas Fratrum of their ancestors, today called the Moravian Church the Jednota Bratrska or Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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