
Desulfovibrio vulgaris
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: Delta Proteobacteria
Order: Desulfovibrionales
Family: Desulfovibrionaceae
Genus: Desulfovibrio
Kluyver & van Niel 1936

D. africanus
D. baculatus
D. desulfuricans
D. gigas
D. halophilus
D. magneticus
D. multispirans
D. pigra
D. salixigens
Desulfovibrio sp.
D. vulgaris

Desulfovibrio is a genus of Gram negative sulfate-reducing bacteria. Some species of Desulfovibrio are capable of transduction. Desulfovibrio species are commonly found in aquatic environments with high levels of organic material, as well as in water-logged soils, and form major community members of extreme oligotrophic habitats such as deep granitic fractured rock aquifers.

Like other sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfovibrio was long considered to be obligately anaerobic. This is not strictly correct: while growth may be limited, these bacteria can survive in O2-rich environments. These types of bacteria are known as aerotolerant.

Some Desulfovibrio species have in recent years been shown to have bioremediation potential for toxic radionuclides such as uranium by a reductive bioaccumulation process.


  • Madigan M; Martinko J, ed (2005). Brock Biology of Microorganisms (11th ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-144329-1. 

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