

Barnato may refer to:
*Barney Barnato (born Barnett Isaacs)
*Woolf Barnato (Joel Woolf "Babe" Barnato)

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  • Barnato — ist der Name folgender Personen: Barney Barnato (1852–1897), südafrikanischer Diamantenmagnat Diana Barnato Walker (1918–2008), englische Pilotin Woolf Barnato (1895–1948), Sohn von Barney Barnato, englischer Autorennfahrer und Finanzier, der als …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • BARNATO, BARNEY — (Barnett Isaacs; 1852–1897), South African financier and mining magnate. Born in London, Barnato was educated at the Jews Free School and went to Kimberley, South Africa, in 1873, during the diamond rush. He joined his brother Henry and they… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Barnato, Barney — ▪ British financier original name  Barnett Isaacs   born 1852, London, Eng. died June 14, 1897, at sea       financier and diamond magnate who rivaled Cecil Rhodes in struggling for control in the development of the South African mining industry …   Universalium

  • Barnato Walker, Diana — ▪ 2009       British pilot born Jan. 15, 1918, London, Eng. died April 28, 2008, Surrey, Eng. as a prominent member of the Atagirls, the women s branch of the World War II Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), delivered some 250 Spitfires and other… …   Universalium

  • Barnato, Barney (Barnett Isaacs) — (1852–97)    South African mining magnate. At the age of twenty one, Barnett Isaacs went to South Africa from his native London to join his brother Henry on the newly discovered Kimberley diamond mines. A colourful character, sporting fancy… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Barnato, Barney — (1852 97)    South African mining magnate. Born in London, he went to the Jews Free School. In 1873 he went to South Africa during the diamond rush. He initially ran a theat rical company, and later worked in the diamond industry. Together with… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Woolf Barnato — Le Mans drivers Name = Woolf Barnato Nationality = flagicon|UK British Years = 24hLM|1928 24hLM|1930 Team(s) = Bentley Motors Ltd. Best Finish = 1st (24hLM|1928, 24hLM|1929, 24hLM|1930) Class Wins = 3 (24hLM|1928, 24hLM|1929, 24hLM|1930)Joel… …   Wikipedia

  • Joel Woolf Barnato — (* 27. September 1895; † 27. Juli 1948) war ein englischer Automobilrennfahrer und Finanzier, der als einer der Bentley Boys bekannt wurde. Woolf Barnato war der Sohn von Barney Barnato, der in Südafrika als Besitzer einer Diamanten und Goldmine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Woolf Barnato — Joel Woolf Barnato (* 27. September 1895; † 27. Juli 1948) war ein englischer Automobilrennfahrer und Finanzier, der als einer der Bentley Boys bekannt wurde. Woolf Barnato war der Sohn von Barney Barnato, der in Südafrika als Besitzer einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Diana Barnato Walker — (geborene Barnato, * 15. Januar 1918; † 28. April 2008) war eine englische Pilotin und die erste Britin, die schneller als der Schall flog.[1] Leben Diana Barnato Walker im Cockpit einer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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