Blackspotted grenadier

Blackspotted grenadier

name = Blackspotted grenadier

image_caption = Drawing by Dr Tony Ayling
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Gadiformes
familia = Macrouridae
genus = "Lucigadus"
species = "L. nigromaculatus"
binomial = "Lucigadus nigromaculatus"
binomial_authority = (McCulloch, 1907)

The blackspotted grenadier or blackspot rattail, "Lucigadus nigromaculatus", is a rattail of the genus "Lucigadus", found around southern Australia, New Zealand, and Chile, at depths of between 400 and 1,400 m. Its length is between 15 to 30 cm.

The blackspotted grenadier has the usual greatly elongated pointed tail of the rattails, as well as large eyes and a hump under the first dorsal fin. The broad rounded snout overhangs a small mouth and there are no obvious bony ridges or spiny scales on the head. Each body scale is covered in rows of long spines and the first pelvic fin ray is elongated.

The colour is dark brown with a blue-black abdomen, black margins to the mouth and gill openings, and a distinct black spot on the first dorsal fin.


* Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, "Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand", (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8

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