Robert Kirshner

Robert Kirshner

Robert Kirshner is Clowes Professor of Science in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University. His notable scientific work centers around the use of Supernovae to measure the expansion of the universe.

He is the author of "The Extravagant Universe : Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Cosmos" (2002; ISBN 978-0-691-05862-7) and has been a member of the National Academy of Sciences since 1998. He was the President of the American Astronomical Society in 2004-2006.

He received his undergraduate degree "magna cum laude" in Astronomy from Harvard in 1970, and his Ph.D., also in Astronomy, from Caltech. Prior to joining Harvard in 1985, he worked at Kitt Peak National Observatory and taught at the University of Michigan for 9 years.

He was the co-Master of Quincy House, one of Harvard's 12 undergraduate houses, along with his wife, Jayne Loader, before resigning in August 2007.

He is also the father of Rebecca Rand Kirshner.

External links

* [ Robert Kirshner's bio at the Quincy House home page]
* [ The council of the American Astronomical Society]

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