- Thornton Curtis
Thornton Curtis is a village and parish in
North Lincolnshire 5 miles south-east ofBarton-upon-Humber .The national grid reference is TA087178. Lat: 53:38:45N (53.6457) Lon: 0:21:24W (-0.3566)
The name "Thornton" is from the
Old English "thorn+tun", meaning "village where thorn trees grow." In the 1086Domesday Book the name is rendered as Torentune. The origin of the "Curtis" part of the village name is unknown.The village is served by
Thornton Abbey railway station .Notable Buildings
Nearby is the 12th Century
Thornton Abbey .The parish church (of
St. Lawrence ) in the village is a building of stone, in the early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower with eight pinnacles and containing 5 bells. There is an Early Norman font, square in plan, the bowl, which is curiously carved, resting on a large central shaft, with a smaller one at each angle; the whole surface is enriched with sculpture in low relief.There is one public house in the village, the Thornton Hunt.
Historical and Latest Population/Demographic Details
The population of Thornton Curtis remained relatively stable for the 110 years from 1850 to 1960; since 1960 a marked decline can be seen.
Information from the
United Kingdom Census 2001 :*Number of households in the parish: 116 (50% detached houses or bungalows).
*Of the 246 residents, 117 were male and 129 female.
*Over 50% of residents fell into the 30-59 year old age categories.
*Ethnicity: 97.6% British White.
*Unemployment Rate: 2.48%.
*Household Owner/Occupier (either outright or with mortgage): 64.1%.
*Car ownership by household (at least one car per household): 88.7%.
*33.2% of the residents held no formal qualifications.
*8.4% of residents held Degree level or equivalent qualifications.Sources and Further Reading
* [http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/LIN/ThorntonCurtis/ Genuki Thornton Curtis site]
* [http://www.northlincs.gov.uk/NorthLincs/Leisure/libraries/localandfamilyhistory/localstudies/localhistorypacks/ThorntonCurtis.htm North Lincolnshire Local History Site]
* [http://www.northlincs.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/ED01ED9C-4E5B-4CA7-B6DE-5CEDF6B87D5D/7280/ThorntonCurtisParishProfileCensus2001.pdf 2001 Census Details for the parish of Thornton Curtis]
* [http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=53.6457&lon=-0.3566&scale=100000&icon=x Location Map]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.