SS Britannic (1874)

SS Britannic (1874)

SS "Britannic" was the first of three ships to sail with the "Britannic" name. All were part of the White Star Line, famous for the "Titanic" and other ocean liners.

The "Britannic" was a steamship equipped with sails. It was initially to be called the "Hellenic", but, just prior to her launch, her name was changed to the "Britannic". Its twin was the "Germanic". The "Britannic" sailed for nearly thirty years, primarily carrying immigrant passengers on the highly trafficked Liverpool to New York route. In 1876 it received the Blue Riband, both westbound and eastbound, by averaging almost 16 knots.

On May 19, 1887, at about 5:25 in the afternoon, the White Star liner SS "Celtic" collided with "Britannic" in thick fog about convert|350|mi|km|-1 east of Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The "Celtic", with 870 passengers, had been steaming westbound for New York City, while the "Britannic", carrying 450 passengers, was on the second day of her eastward journey to Liverpool. The two ships collided at almost right angles, with the "Celtic" burying her prow convert|10|ft|m|0 in the aft port side of "Britannic". The "Celtic" rebounded and hit two more times, before sliding past behind "Britannic".

Six steerage passengers were killed outright on board "Britannic", and another six were later found to be missing, having been washed overboard. There were no deaths on board "Celtic". Both ships were badly damaged, but "Britannic" more so, having a large hole below her waterline. Fearing that she would founder, the passengers on board began to panic and rushed the lifeboats. "Britannic's" captain, pistol in hand, was able to restore some semblance of order, and the boats were filled with women and children, although a few men forced their way on board. After the lifeboats had launched, it was realized that "Britannic" would be able to stay afloat, and the lifeboats within hailing distance were recalled. The rest made their way over to the "Celtic". The two ships remained together through the night, and the next morning were joined by the Wilson Line's "Marengo" and the "British Queen" of the Inman Line, and the four slowly made their way into New York Harbor.

ources and references

* [ History of the Britannic]
* [ reprint of an article from Illustrated London News, May 28, 1887 of the collision]

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