

Artakama [PP VI 14494 = PP VI 14487, Arrian Anabasis 7.4.6. Plutarch (Eumenes, 1) calls her Apama , evidently in confusion with Apama, daughter of Spitamenes, who married Seleucus I. Similarly he names her sister Artonis, the wife of Eumenes, as Barsine, presumably in confusion with Barsine the mistress of Alexander or Barsine the wife of Nearchus. Since Arrian drew on Ptolemy I's memoirs, his evidence is to be preferred.] , daughter of Artabazus, a grandson of king Artaxerxes II, satrap of Daskyleion under Artaxerxes III and Darius III, satrap of Bactria under Alexander 2. Her mother is not specifically stated but was probably the only known wife of Artabazus, an anonymous sister of the Rhodian generals Memnon and Mentor, who were in Persian service in the late 340 BCs and the 330 BCs. Artakama was the second wife of Ptolemy I, whom she married in April 324 BC. Ptolemy had no known children by Artakama.


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* [ Genealogy]

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