Gas dynamics

Gas dynamics

Gas dynamics is a branch of dynamics concerned with studying the motion of gases.Here we study about Mach no.,sound velocities & gas properties.

See also


* cite book
last = Liepmann | first = Hans W. | coauthors = Roshko, A.
title = Elements of Gasdynamics | origyear = 1957
publisher = Dover Publications | year = 2001
id = ISBN 0-486-41963-0

* cite book
last = Anderson | first = John D. Jr.
title = Fundamentals of Aerodynamics | origyear = 1984 | edition = 3rd Edition
publisher = McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | year = 2001 | month = January
id = ISBN 0-07-237335-0

* cite book
last = Shapiro | first = Ascher H.
title = The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Volume 1 | origyear = 1953
publisher = Ronald Press
id = ISBN 978-0-471-06691-0

* cite book
last = Zucker | first = Robert D. | coauthors = Biblarz O.
title = Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics
publisher = John Wiley & Sons | year = 2002 | month = July
id = ISBN 0471059676

* cite book
last = Vincenti | first = Walter G. | coauthor = Kruger, Charles H., Jr.
title = Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics | origyear = 1965
publisher = Krieger publishing company | year = 2002
id = ISBN 0-88275-309-6

* cite book
last = Anderson | first = John D. Jr.
title = hypersonic and High Temperature Gas Dynamics | origyear = 1989
publisher = AIAA | year = 2000
id = ISBN 1-56347-459-X

External links

* [ Georgia Tech web page on gas dynamics topics]
* [ Gas dynamics functions calculation]

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