Mens mentis praecelsus

Mens mentis praecelsus

Mens Mentis Praecelsus is Latin, literally translated into English meaning "exceedingly high thought". It is a non-religious, philosophical idea which can be applied to many beliefs.

It states that everywhere, at all time, you have an equal, and an opposite. The only thing that has no equal or opposite, is the Ultimate, all that is, which is everywhere and all time, that most people would consider to be God. But, because the idea of this God works how it does, it means that all things are within this God, which has no equal or opposite. To most new to the concept, it is a seemingly impossible parodox in itself. It is an incredibly difficult concept to comprehend, some compare it to the problems people have understanding the Christian Trinity being one indivisible God.

It means that a person has one exactly like himself, or one who is perfectly compatible with that person, and one person who is perfectly unlike him, for better or worse. This means that no matter how good of a person you are, or how good you are at something, there is one who is just as good, and one who is exactly opposite.

It is also the name of an intellectual, submission-based website created by Paul Fletcher-Hill and Jake Rosenwald in January 2010. The website publishes intellectually stimulating articles in topics such as art, literature, music, philosophy, and science.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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