- Personal communicator
The term personal communicator has been used with several meanings. Around 1990 the next generation digital mobile phones were called digital personal communicators. Another definition, coined in 1991, is for acategory of
handheld device s that providepersonal information manager functions andpacket switched wirelessdata communications capabilities overwireless wide area network s such ascellular network s. These devices are now commonly referred to as smartphones or wireless PDA's.ee also
*AT&T EO Personal Communicator, 1993
*IBM Simon Personal Communicator, 1994
*Wireless PDA
*Smartphone External links
* [http://www.fraser-popovski.com/Mobitex.pdf Concept genesis, Aug 1991]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE5D9143AF93AA25754C0A964958260 The Executive Computer; 'Mother of All Markets' or a 'Pipe Dream Driven by Greed'? NYT, July 1992]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE0DA133EF931A35753C1A964958260 EO Inc. Describes 'Personal Communicator' Devices, New York Times,1992]
* [http://www.looksmartphones.com/p/articles/mi_m3457/is_n39_v11/ai_14215279 Motorola expands family of personal communicator products, Mobile Phone News,1993]
* [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3457/is_n43_v11/ai_14297997#continue Bellsouth, IBM unveil personal communicator phone, Mobile Phone News,1993]
* [http://www.smartcomputing.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles/1993/sept93/93n0918.asp&articleid=5960&guid= The EO 440 And EO 880 Paradigms For Personal Communicators, Mobile Computing,1993]
* [http://memex.org/thereturnofthepda.html The Return of the PDA, Marketing Computers,1995]
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