

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Wappen = Wappen Eschede (Niedersachsen).svg
lat_deg = 52 | lat_min = 44
lon_deg = 10 | lon_min = 15
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Niedersachsen
Landkreis = Celle
Samtgemeinde = Eschede
Höhe = 87
Fläche = 106.31
Einwohner = 3871
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 29348
Vorwahl = 05142
Kfz = CE
NUTS = DE931
Gemeindeschlüssel = 03 3 51 009
Straße = Am Glockenkolk 1
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Gerd Bakeberg
Partei = CDU

Eschede is a municipality in the district of Celle, in Lower Saxony, Germany. Situated approximately 15 km northeast of Celle, Eschede lies at the border of the renowned "Naturpark Suedheide" a protected area of large forests and creeks. Today around 20 small villages are part of the "Samtgemeinde Eschede". In 1975, a large fire destroyed vast tracts of forests in the area. The city is known for the 1998 Eschede train disaster, in which an ICE train crashed, killing 101 and making it the worst German rail accident since the Second World War. The painter Albert Koenig (1881-1944) was born in Eschede, and the "Albert-Koenig-Museum" can be visited in Unterlüß nearby.

Eschede is the seat of the Eschede "Samtgemeinde" ("collective municipality").

ister town


External links

* [ Eschede Official Website]

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