William Nygaard

William Nygaard

Infobox Person
name = William Nygaard
birth_date = Birth date and age|1943|3|16|mf=y
education = Degree in economics
occupation = Chief publisher (CEO) of Aschehoug publishing house
nationality = Norwegian

William Nygaard (born March 16, 1943) is a Norwegian publisher who graduated with a degree in economics in 1967. He has two children. [ [http://www.norgesdokumentasjon.no/intervjuer.php?mode=vis&id=65 A page about a video interview with Nygaard (in Norwegian)] ]

Business career

Since 1974 he has been the chief publisher (CEO) of Aschehoug publishing house, following the footsteps of his father Mads Wiel Nygaard and grandfather William Martin Nygaard who was leading the company in earlier years. [ [http://www.aschehoug.no/om/Historie/article.jhtml?articleID=12756 The history of Aschehoug publishing house (in Norwegian)] ] William Nygaard was chairman of the Norwegian Publishers Association ("Den norske Forleggerforening" in Norwegian) from 1987 to 1990. [ [http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/article1012507.ece Newspaper article from Aftenposten (in Norwegian)] ]

Assassination attempt

On April 12, 1989 Aschehoug and William Nygaard was responsible for publishing the Norwegian edition of Salman Rushdie's novel "The Satanic Verses". [ [http://www2.tv2.no/riketstilstand/n2i.vis?par=12338 A timeline of the events of the Satanic Verses controversy (in Norwegian)] ] This was two months after Ayatollah Khomeini issued the following fatwa against Salman Rushdie and his publishers:

:"I inform all zealous Muslims of the world that the author of the book entitled The Satanic Verses — which has been compiled, printed and published in opposition to Islam, the Prophet, and the Qur'an — and all those involved in its publication who were aware of its content, are sentenced to death. I call on all zealous Muslims to execute them quickly, wherever they may be found, so that no one else will dare to insult the Muslim sanctities. God Willing, whoever is killed on this path is a martyr." [ [http://www.wsu.edu:8001/~brians/anglophone/satanic_verses/intro.html Notes for Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses, including the text of the fatwa] ]

Owing to the fatwa, direct threats against William Nygaard and translator Kari Risvik, and the resulting controversy, Nygaard was given police protection for a period.

Nevertheless, on the morning of October 11, 1993 he was shot three times and left for dead outside his home in Dagaliveien in
Oslo. [ [http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article645031.ece Interview with Helga Waagaard who was first to find Nygaard and call for an ambulance (in Norwegian)] ] Although the crime has never been solved, most people — including Nygaard [http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article645030.ece Interview with William Nygaard 10 years after the assassination attempt (in Norwegian)] ] — link the incident to the fatwa. After several months of hospitalization, most of the time at Sunnaas hospital, Nygaard slowly recovered.

Other positions

Both before and after the attack, William Nygaard has been an outspoken defender of free speech, and is a board member of the Norwegian PEN, the Norwegian division of International PEN. [ [http://www.norskpen.no/php/index.php?task=view&id=14&Itemid=28 Listing of the board of the Norwegian PEN] ]

As of 2008, he is a member of the board of Norway's National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. [ [http://www.nasjonalmuseet.no/index.php/content/view/full/231 Listing of the board of the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design] ]


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