- Iliocostalis
Muscle infobox
Latin = musculus iliocostalis
GraySubject = 115
GrayPage = 399
Caption = Deep muscles of the back. (Iliocostalis lumborum visible at bottom right, iliocostalis dorsi visible at center right, and iliocost. cerv. visible at upper right.)
Caption2 =
Origin =
Insertion =
Action =
Blood =lateral sacral artery
Nerve =posterior branch of spinal nerve
Antagonist =Rectus abdominis muscle
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = m_22
DorlandsSuf = 12549288
The iliocostalis is the muscle immediately lateral to thelongissimus that is the nearest to the furrow that separates theepaxial muscles from thehypaxial . It lies very deep to the fleshy portion of theserratus ventralis (serratus anterior).Iliocostalis lumborum
The Iliocostalis lumborum (Iliocostalis muscle; Sacrolumbalis muscle) is inserted, by six or seven flattened
tendons , into the inferior borders of the angles of the lower six or sevenribs .Iliocostalis dorsi
The Iliocostalis dorsi (Musculus accessorius; Iliocostalis thoracis) arises by flattened tendons from the upper borders of the angles of the lower six ribs medial to the tendons of insertion of the
Iliocostalis lumborum ; these become muscular, and are inserted into the upper borders of the angles of the upper six ribs and into the back of thetransverse process of the seventhcervical vertebra .Iliocostalis cervicis
The Iliocostalis cervicis (Cervicalis ascendens) arises from the angles of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs, and is inserted into the
posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae.ee also
Semispinalis muscle
*Erector spinae
*Spinalis External links
* - "Intrinsic muscles of the back."
* [http://www.ithaca.edu/faculty/lahr/LE2000/Back/FinishedPics/JPEGs/ErectorsFar.jpgDissection at ithaca.edu]
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