Waterborne diseases

Waterborne diseases

Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated drinking water is consumed. Contaminated drinking water, used in the preparation of food, can be the source of foodborne disease through consumption of the same microorganisms. According to the World Health Organization, diarrheal disease accounts for an estimated 4.1% of the total DALY global burden of disease and is responsible for the deaths of 1.8 million people every year. It was estimated that 88% of that burden is attributable to unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene, and is mostly concentrated in children in developing countries. [ [http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases/burden/en/index.html WHO | Burden of disease and cost-effectiveness estimates ] ]

Waterborne disease can be caused by protozoa, viruses, bacteria, and intestinal parasites.

Protozoal infections

Parasitic Infections

Bacterial infections

*Botulism - Clostridium botulinum bacteria - gastro-intestinal food/water borne; can grow in food

* Campylobacteriosis

*Cholera - Vibrio cholerae bacteria - gastro-intestinal often waterborne

* Chronic granulomatous disease - caused by the Mycobacterium marinum infection and localized in skin, frequently occurred with aquarium keepers.cite web
last = Petrini
first = B.
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Mycobacterium marinum: ubiquitous agent of waterborne granulomatous skin infections
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://www.springerlink.com/content/7r65j4n6v54772h4/

*Diarrheal disease due to "E. coli".

*Dysentery - Shigella/Salmonella bacteria - gastro-intestinal food/water

*Legionellosis - cause Pontiac fever and Legionnaires' disease


* Otitis externa- "Swimmer's Ear"

*Typhoid - Salmonella typhi bacteria - gastro-intestinal water/food borne. Salmonellosis - due to many Salmonella species. Water/food/direct contact borne.

* Vibrio illness caused by the bacteria of Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus commonly found in seafood and recreational water.cite web
last = Dziuban
first = Eric J. "et al."
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Surveillance for Waterborne Disease and Outbreaks Associated with Recreational Water --- United States, 2003--2004
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5512a1.htm

Viral Infections

* Adenovirus infection - its serotypes are typically waterborne.cite web
last = Nwachuku
first = Nena "et al."
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Comparative inactivation of Adenovirus serotypes by UV light disinfection
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://aem.asm.org/cgi/reprint/71/9/5633.pdf

* Astroviruses -

* Caliciviruses -

* Circoviruses - its human form of Transfusion Transmitted Virus found in feces, saliva, skin and hair cite web
last = Nwachuku
first = Nena
authorlink =
coauthors = Charles P. Gerba
title = Emerging waterborne pathogens: can we kill them all?
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://env1.gist.ac.kr/~aeml/paper/papers(pdf)/27-waterborne_pathogens.pdf

* Coronaviruses - cause SARS and excreted in the feces cite web
last = Nwachuku
first = Nena
authorlink =
coauthors = Charles P. Gerba
title = Emerging waterborne pathogens: can we kill them all?
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://env1.gist.ac.kr/~aeml/paper/papers(pdf)/27-waterborne_pathogens.pdf

*Enteric Adenoviruses -

*Hepatitis A - Hepatitis A virus - gastro-intestinal water/food borne

* Parvoviruses - associated with Gastroenteritis.cite web
last = Nwachuku
first = Nena
authorlink =
coauthors = Charles P. Gerba
title = Emerging waterborne pathogens: can we kill them all?
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://env1.gist.ac.kr/~aeml/paper/papers(pdf)/27-waterborne_pathogens.pdf

* Picobimaviruses - associated with Gastroenteritis in AIDS patients, children and elderlies.cite web
last = Nwachuku
first = Nena
authorlink =
coauthors = Charles P. Gerba
title = Emerging waterborne pathogens: can we kill them all?
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://env1.gist.ac.kr/~aeml/paper/papers(pdf)/27-waterborne_pathogens.pdf

*Polio - polioviruses - gastro-intestinal exposure to untreated

* Polyomaviruses - its human form of JC virus cause Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and detected in sewage cite web
last = Nwachuku
first = Nena
authorlink =
coauthors = Charles P. Gerba
title = Emerging waterborne pathogens: can we kill them all?
publisher =
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007

url = http://env1.gist.ac.kr/~aeml/paper/papers(pdf)/27-waterborne_pathogens.pdf

*Small Round Structured Virus

Allergic infections

* Hay fever - a part of disease rate is associated with the high frequency of swimming pool attendance in childhood cite web
last = Kohlhammer
first = Y. "et al."
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Swimming pool attendance and hay fever rates later in life
publisher = Blackwell Publishing
accessdate = 9 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mksg/all/2006/00000061/00000011/art00009
* Meningitis
* Trihalomethanes - a byproduct of chlorinated water which will cause bladder cancer through inhalation and dermal absorption during showering, bathing, and swimming in pools.cite web
last = Villanueva
first = Cristina M. "et al."
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Bladder Cancer and Exposure to Water Disinfection By-Products through Ingestion, Bathing, Showering, and Swimming in Pools
publisher = American Journal of Epidemiology
accessdate = 17 August
accessyear = 2007
url = http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/165/2/148


Academic resources

* "Journal of Water and Health", ISSN: 1477-8920, IWA Publishing

ee also

* Food Microbiology
* Free-living amebic infection
* Portable water purification
* Public health
* Swimming pool sanitation
* Water pollution
* Water quality
* Water resources
* Water supply

External links

* [http://www.iso.org/iso/en/CatalogueListPage.CatalogueList?ICS1=91&ICS2=140&ICS3=60&scopelist= ICS 91.140.60 Water supply systems] - A series of the ISO standards
* [http://www.who.org World Health Organization]
* [http://www.cdc.gov/ Center for Diseases Control U.S.]
* [http://www.safewateronline.com Safe Water for International Travelers] gives a rating of water safety worldwide
* Genome information on "Shigella" and "Salmonella" is available at the [http://www.ericbrc.org NIAID Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center (ERIC)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Waterborne bacterial disease — An illness due to infection with bacteria contaminating the water supply. Waterborne bacterial diseases cause a wide range of syndromes including: acute dehydrating diarrhea (cholera), prolonged febrile illness with abdominal symptoms (typhoid… …   Medical dictionary

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