

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
image_photo = Rathaus-holzgerlingen.jpg
image_caption = Town hall
Wappen = Wappen Holzgerlingen.pnglat_deg = 48 |lat_min = 38 |lat_sec = 21
lon_deg = 9 |lon_min = 0 |lon_sec = 39
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Baden-Württemberg
Regierungsbezirk = Stuttgart
Landkreis = Böblingen
Höhe = 476
Fläche = 13.39
Einwohner = 12252
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 71088
Vorwahl = 07031
Kfz = BB
Gemeindeschlüssel = 08 1 15 024
Gliederung = 4
Straße = Böblinger Straße 5-7
Website = [http://www.holzgerlingen.de/ www.holzgerlingen.de]
Bürgermeister = Wilfried Dölker

Holzgerlingen is a municipality in the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. It is located in district of Böblingen.


Holzgerlingen, with its population of 11,500, lies in a clearing in the Schönbuch, a large forest in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It is 9 km (4 miles) south of the city of Böblingen. The source of the Aich River is located in Holzgerlingen, the Aich is a tributary of the Neckar River.


Holzgerlingen, like many cities in southern Germany, and the Schönbuch region particularly, possess a temperate climate with four distinct seasons, but with considerably less variation in seasonal temperatures than in the United States. Throughout the year, temperatures range from approximately 18°F (-8°C) during the night in January and February, the coldest months of the year, to approximately 80°F (22°C) during July afternoons.

The wettest month of the year is November, when frequent storm systems blowing in off of both the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. During November, 5.00in (127 mm) of precipitation falls, mostly as rain. Snow does fall in the region, but because daytime temperatures even in Winter are frequently above 32°F (0°C), long-lasting snow cover is unusual. The driest month of the year is September, when only 2.95in (75 mm) of precipitation occurs. In a normal year, precipitation totals 49.68in (1262mm).


The history of the settlement goes back to neolithic times, and it is thought that the city was founded by Celts sometime in the period between 550 BC and 50 BC. Sometime around 100 AD, the Romans conquered the area around the city, although they were in turn overthrown by Alemannic tibes in the vicinity of 300 AD.

In Germany, because many cities are extremely old and dating is inexact, a city's official history is considered to begin at the first time it is mentioned in writing. Holzgerlingen was first mentioned in the year 1007 in a history written by the Bishop of Bamberg during the reign of Henry II of the Holy Roman Empire. The city was in the possession of the Palatinate of Tübingen from approximately 1100 until 1348, when the city was sold to the state of Württemberg.

The city was deeply effected by the Peasants' War, a popular revolt which took place in 1525. The Protestant Reformation reached the city in 1534, and the city has remained a Lutheran ever since. In 1635, during the Thirty Years' War, the Black Death broke out, causing devastation. In 1735, during the War of the Polish Succession, Russian troops were quartered in the city as they marched on France. Just eight years later, in 1743, the city was used to quarter troops for Franz Freiherr von der Trenck during the War of the Austrian Succession. In 1805, the army of Napoleon captured the city and forced its residents to work as slaves.

In 1812 fifteen people from Holzgerlingen joined the troops of Napoleon for the his war against Russia so their families would be guaranteed safety, but never returned. The first post office was constructed in 1865, and in 1907, the city was connected to the electric power grid. In 1945, during World War II, French troops burned down the city hall. It was rebuilt in 1950. The city obtained home-rule rights from the German government in 1993.


The Protestant Reformation reached the city in 1534. in 1635, since that days the town was influenced by Protestantism.



*1904-1938: Robert Mosthaf
*1938-1945: Otto Müller
*1945-1948: Guido Eipperlein
*1948-1964: Otto Rommel
*1964-1983: Siegfried Gölz
*1983-1985: Walter Mack
*1986-present: Wilfried Dölker

Sister Cities

Holzgerlingen's partner cities include Neuenhof, Switzerland, Niesky, in the German federal state of Sachsen, Jílové u Prahy, Czech Republic, and Crystal Lake, Illinois. Crystal Lake South High School participates in a yearly student exchange program with the local Gymnasium (high school) in Holzgerlingen.

Economy and Infrastructure


In December 1996, the Schönbuchbahn (Schönbuch train line), which runs between Böblingen and the town of Dettenhausen, was brought back to Holzgerlingen after a long period of unused Railroad tracks. The train line has three stops in the city. The town is also part of the Stuttgart S-Bahn line. The largest highway in Holzgerlingen is Bundesstrasse (state highway) B464.

Civic Institutions

Holzgerlingen has a 700-seat civic and conference center, which also provides services such as an internet café and a nursing home.


Holzgerligen presides over its own modern school system, with elementary through high school provided all within the same city, including seven Kindergartens and a boarding school for the mentally and physically challenged. Also, the city library possesses free internet access for residents.


In the city of Holzgerlingen, there is one small stadium, four sport halls, and a heated public swimming pool.

Culture and sightseeing


A museum of local history is located in Holzgerlingen.


The Mauritius Church, which possesses a tower dating from the eleventh century, is currently a legally protected historical landmark.


The city possesses a youth center which hosts youth-oriented events, such as midnight sports.


External links

* [http://www.holzgerlingen.de Official city website] de icon
* [http://www.pkh-holzgerlingen.de/ Sister City Committee Holzgerlingen]

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