

intended for use as a line audio amplifier and cathode driver.

Basic data:
* Uf = 6.3 V, If = 600 mA
* uM = 35
* Ia = 7.5 mA
* S = 4.35 mA/V
* Pa = 2.2 W

The 6N1P has similar ratings to the 6DJ8 and in the past was sometimes rebranded as such, however differences between the two types (the 6N1P requires double the filament current and has only one third the S value) mean they are not directly interchangeable.

A ruggedized/extended ratings version of the tube is designated 6N1P-EV ( _ru. 6Н1П-ЕВ)

It has currently found a use as a driver tube in hi-fi tube amplifiers (such as Audio Research models VS55 and VS110) because of its excellent low distortion and low noise characteristics. The tube is manufactured by the "Voshod" plant in Kaluga, Russia (see [http://www.ominous-valve.com/russtube.html] ) and is distributed in the West under the Sovtek and Svetlana brand names.

See also



* [http://www.amplimo.nl/download/6n1p.pdf] - 6N1P datasheet and specifications.
* [http://www.oldradio.ru/tubes/russian/detail/6n1p_2.shtml] - 6N1P detailed datasheet in Russian

External links

* [http://www.svetlana-tubes.com Svetlana] - 6N1P Russian manufacturer.
* [http://www.arrakis.es/~igapop/russianotes.htm#6N1P%20/6N2P%20How%20to%20use%20them] - 6N1P and 6N2P usage notes.
* [http://www.ominous-valve.com/russtube.html] - Russian/Soviet tube manufacturers and their logos.
* [http://www.audioresearch.com/VS55.html] - Audio Research VS55 amplifier.

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