
For the 18th century French courtesan, see Madame du Barry.
Dube logo.JPG

Dubarry of Ireland or just Dubarry is a footwear and clothing company headquartered in Ballinasloe, County Galway. Dubarry was established in 1937 by the newly formed Ballinasloe Chamber of Commerce primarily as a co-operative initiative to provide local employment. It then grew into one of the most well-known producers of moccasin constructed shoes and Gore-Tex lined boots in Europe.

In November 2004, Dubarry ceased its manufacturing facility in Ballinasloe,[1] transferring operations to Portugal where it has contract manufacturing partners. Dubarry justified its decision to relocate its entire production line to Portugal on high labour costs in Ireland.. The company headquarters, however, as well as its product development, marketing and distribution departments, remain in Ballinasloe.[2]

They produce deck shoes, sailing boots, yachting boots, country boots, as well as general footwear and school shoes (branded AV8’s) for the local Irish market.

Discontinued brands belonging to the Dubarry company include Hobos, Trix and Trucker.


  1. ^ "Case Study of Dubarry by Enterprise Ireland"
  2. ^ "Dubarry to halve its Co. Galway workforce", RTÉ Business, September 24, 2004

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