Aflenz Kurort

Aflenz Kurort

Infobox Ort in Österreich
Art = Marktgemeinde
Name = Aflenz Kurort
Wappen =
lat_deg = 47 | lat_min = 32 | lat_sec = 37
lon_deg = 15 | lon_min = 14 | lon_sec = 20
Lageplan = Aflenz Kurort in BM.pngBundesland = Steiermark
Bezirk = Bruck an der Mur
Höhe = 765 - 1810
Fläche = 16.1
Einwohner = 1008
Stand = 2005-12-31
PLZ = 8623
Vorwahl = 03861
Kfz = BM
Gemeindekennziffer = 6 02 01
NUTS = AT223
Straße = Mariazellerstraße 9
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Hans Helmut Finding
Partei = GfA
Gemeinderatanzahl = 15
Gemeinderat = 7 Gemeinsam für Aflenz, 5 ÖVP, 2 SPÖ, 1 Aflenz-Aktiv
Wahljahr = 2005

Aflenz Kurort is an Austrian municipality in the District of Bruck an der Mur, Styria.


There is only one borough in Aflenz: Aflenz-Kurort.

Neighboring communities include: Aflenz Land, Thörl, Etmißl, St. Ilgen, and Turnau.


"Avelniz" was first documented in 1025. Until its abolishment, the Abbots of St. Lambrecht owned and administered the municipality's land. The territory of the current municipality was part of the Duchy of Styria, which had been detached from Bavaria in 1180. Beginning in 1192, Styria and Austria were joined in a personal union. Aflenz received the status of a market town in 1458 from Emperor Frederick III. From 1564, Styria was counted as part of Inner Austria and, from 1804 onwards, as part of the Austrian Empire. Summer tourism to the area had already begun in the late 19th century. Aflenz was part of the Republic of Austria established in 1918. After the Anschluss of Austria, the community belonged to the Reichsgau Steiermark until the war's end. From 1945 to 1955, Aflenz was part of the English Occupation Zone. Its first ski lift was built in 1954.


Aflenz' mayor is Hanns Finding, D.Eng.

The results of 2005 election are as follows:
ÖVP: 32.8%, SPÖ: 12.5%, FPÖ: 5.4%, Aflenz-Aktiv: 5.77%, and Gemeinsam für Aflenz (GFA): 43.54%.

Coat of Arms

"A shield divided in two, on the left side of which is a silver bishop's crosier on a blue background and on the right side a blue key on a silver background."


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