

Infobox Russian city

FederalSubject=Moscow Oblast
MunStatus=Urban okrug
InJurisdictionOf=Moscow Oblast
AdmCtrOf=Kolomensky District
LeaderName=Valery Shuvalov
Legislature=Council of Deputies
Charter=Charter of Kolomna
Event1=Town status

Kolomna ( _ru. Коло́мна) is an ancient city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, situated at the confluence of the Moskva and Oka Rivers. The city was founded in 1177. It is currently the administrative center of Kolomensky District of Moscow Oblast. Population: ru-census|p2002=150129|p1989=161881

Like some other ancient Russian towns, Kolomna has a kremlin, which is a citadel similar to the more famous one in Moscow (it is also built from red brick). Kolomna citadel was a part of the Great Abatis Border. [http://img-2005-08.photosight.ru/07/977038.jpgSeveral towers and two parts of walls] have been preserved and are held in good shape; a museum is located inside.


;RailroadKolomna is located on the Ryazan line of the Moscow railroad 116 km from Moscow. In Kolomna there are one railroad terminal named Golutvin ( _ru. Голутвин) and five railroad stations named Kolomna ( _ru. Коломна), Shchurovo ( _ru. Щурово), Bochmanovo ( _ru. Бочманово), 6 km, and Sychevo ( _ru. Сычево).

;Public transportTwo bus terminals are located in the city. One bus terminal is in an urban area Golutvin, and the other one is in an urban area "Old Kolomna". In Kolomna there are 10 Tram lines.

;WaterKolomna is placed on three big rivers, and has passenger and transport berths. Most known one is the Bochmanovo ( _ru. Бочманово) berth.


People from Kolomna

*Sergey Gorshkov, Soviet naval officer
*Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow
*Dmitry Dorofeev, speed skater
*Mikhail Katukov, commander of armoured troops in the Red Army
*Yekaterina Lobysheva, speed skater
*Mikhail Tyurin, Russian cosmonaut

Other sights

*Bobrenev cloister
*Staro-Golutvin cloister
*Novo-Golutvin cloister
*Posad with several beautiful churches in it
* [http://smartcat.photosight.ru/photo.php?photoid=256534&ref=section&refid=999 Church of John the Baptist] , one of only three 14-century buildings preserved in Moscow Oblast.

ister cities

*flagicon|Belarus Molodechno, Belarus
*flagicon|Latvia Bauska, Latvia
*flagicon|USA Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
*flagicon|Russia Moscow, Russia


External links

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