The Party for the War against Banks

The Party for the War against Banks

The Party for the War against Banks ( _he. המפלגה למלחמה בבנקים, "HaMiflaga LeMilhama BeBankim") or HaLev (Hebrew: הלב) is a minor political party in Israel. Their goal is to reduce damages that the banks are causing to the public by legislation.


The party was established as the Settlement Party (Lang-he|מפלגת ההתיישבות, "Miflaget HaHityasvut") in 1996 following economic crises in many kibbutzim. However, following a deal signed in the same year between the government, the Kibbutz Movement and the banks, the party's activity was ceased.

In 2006 the party was re-established again, and decided to run in the elections that year, claiming that the banks were causing poverty, and exploitatiing citizens. However, they won only 2,163 votes (0.07%), well below the electoral threshold of 2%.


*Minimization of the damages that the banks are causing to the public by legislation.
*Interested to allow the citizens to sue the banks.
*Demand to change in the economic policy, so it will be for the good of the state and not for the good of the banks.
*Supporting in anchoring cooling off period law that will not allow to civil servants who dealt with financial affairs to work in banks after less than ten years.

External links

* [ Official website] he icon ru icon

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