Vrystaatse Artillerie Regiment

Vrystaatse Artillerie Regiment

The Vrystaatse Artillerie Regiment (Afrikaans for Free State Artillery Regiment) is an artillery regiment of the South African Army. As a reserve unit, it has a status roughly equivalent to that of a British Territorial Army or United States Army National Guard unit. It is part of the South African Army Artillery Formation.


In 1854 the Free-State became an independent Republic. The British forces withdrew, leaving behind four 9-pounder garrison guns in the Queen's Fort in Bloemfontein. This was for many years the only ordinance the Free State Republic had. The Free State Artillery Corps was founded in 1864 and housed in Queen's Fort. By the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War, the corps was commanded by Major FW Albrecht. The unit served on the Western front, Natal front and into the Geurilla phase of the War in 1902.

In 1922 3 Permant Battery was formed. This unit was split up on 1 July 1926 into two units namely 4 Burgher Battery and 5 Burgher Battery. In 1932 these two were renamed 1 Oranje-Vrystaat Veldartillerie and 2 Oranje Vrystaat Veldartillerie.

On 1 February 1940 these units were joined as 12th Field Battery and did sterling service in Egypt. The took heavy casualties at Tobruk and El-Alamein.

on 18 April 1946 the unit was renamed 6 Field Artillery Regiment.It is currently based at Tempe, Bloemfontein

Regimental Symbols

Battle honours

Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902TobrukEl-AlameinSouth-West Africa


Ultima Ratio Regum; the Artillery History of South-AfricaSouth-African Army Information Bureau 1987

Die Geskiedenis van die Vrystaatse ArtillerieD Swemmer 1946 Unpublished Manuscript

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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