

Bodin is a former municipality in Nordland county, Norway.

Bodin (until 1896 named "Bodø herred") was established as a municipality January 1, 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). Some smaller parts of the municipality were transferred to the city of Bodø January 1, 1901 and July 1, 1938. The majority of the municipality Kjerringøy, as well as a small part of Sørfold, were merged into Bodin January 1, 1964. Bodin ceased to exist as a separate entity when it was merged into Bodø city January 1, 1968. At that point Bodin had a population of 13 323, Bodø had 14 252.

The name

Until 1896 the name of the municipality was "Bodø herred" 'the rural district/"herred" of Bodø'. The city of Bodø is named after the old farm Bodøgård 'the farm/"gård" of Bodø'. The Norse form of the farm's name was "Boðin" ("*Boðvin"), and the municipality (originally the parish) was named after it because the first church was built on its ground.

The meaning of the first element is, maybe, "boði" m 'skerry' - the last element is "vin" 'meadow, pasture'. The old Norse form was revived in 1896 as the name of the rural municipality.

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