History of the Khaljis

History of the Khaljis

"History of the Khaljis - AD 1290-1320" is a book written by K.S. Lal which was published in 1950. A second revised edition was published in 1967.

The book was written between 1942 and 1945 and originally formed part of K.S. Lal's dissertation for the Doctorate degree at the University of Allahabad. It is widely considered a standard work on the Khilji dynasty.


A review in the Times Literary Supplement (London, December 19, 1968) stated that this book took "its place among the standard authorities", and that the second revised edition is "unlikely to be superseded" (Lal 1999)

Muhammed Habib wrote about this work:

"Dr. KS Lal has managed to fill a very important gap in our nationalhistory. I have read his work several times with pleasure and profit.He has utilized for his work all contemporary authorities whichseem to be within the reach of the present generation in Persian,Hindi and Sanskrit. He has critical discrimination and completefreedom from all prejudices. No student of Indian history canafford to ignore Dr. Lal's excellent work." [Comment by Muhammad Habib on the jacket of the book "History of the Khaljis AD 1290-1320" by K.S. Lal.]


*K.S. Lal, History of the Khaljis AD 1290-1320, Munshiram Manoharlal. New Delhi: 1967, 1980.
*K.S. Lal. Theory and Practice of the Muslim State. (1999)

See also

*Khilji dynasty

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