- Guttiferales
"Guttiferales" is a descriptive botanical name. It was used in the
Bentham & Hooker system , theWettstein system for an order offlowering plants that included the family "Guttiferae". The latter is also a descriptive botanical name and refers to thelatex present in these plants.The order was fairly small in the
Bentham & Hooker system :
*order "Guttiferales"
*: family "Elatinaceae "
*: family "Hypericaceae "
*: family "Guttiferae "
*: family "Ternstroemiaceae "
*: family "Dipterocarpaceae "
*: family "Chlenaceae "It was much larger in the
Wettstein system :* order "Guttiferales"
*: family "Dilleniaceae "
*: family "Actinidiaceae "
*: family "Ochnaceae "
*: family "Strassburgeriaceae "
*: family "Eucryphiaceae "
*: family "Caryocaraceae "
*: family "Marcgraviaceae "
*: family "Quiinaceae "
*: family "Theaceae "
*: family "Guttiferae "
*: family "Dipterocarpaceae "The difference in composition between these two systems, and the fact that these taxa were scattered over various orders in more recent systems such as the
Cronquist system and theAPG II system suggests it was never a very good unit in the first place. (Note that Bentham & Hooker's Ternstroemiaceae is equivalent to Wettsteins's Theaceae, and that Wettstein's Guttiferae includes Bentham & Hooker's Hypericaceae.)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.