Sula II

Sula II

The "Sula II", commonly referred to as "Sula", is an open wooden passenger boat that carriers visitors from North Berwick harbour in East Lothian, Scotland around the island bird colonies of Bass Rock, Fidra and Craigleith. After opening the nearby Scottish Seabird Centre in 2000, HRH The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles) enjoyed a tour around the islands on board Sula II, while famous naturalists including Sir David Attenborough and Terry Nutkins have boarded the boat. An estimated 8,000 tourists take a trip on Sula each year.

The name "Sula" comes from the Latin "Sula bassanus", a species of gannet - tens of thousands of which inhabit the Bass Rock. The Marr family have owned and operated the boat since 1961, with Fred Marr handing his responsibilities down to his son Chris and daughter Pat on his retirement in 2001.

External links

*John Richardson's [ Bass Rock & Sula photo collection]
* [ Scotsman article] on Bass Rock tourism
* [ North Berwick] general tourist information

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