Bunko — Bun ko, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bunkoed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bunkoing}.] To swindle by a bunko game or scheme; to cheat or victimize in any similar way, as by a confidence game, passing a bad check, etc. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] {Bunko steerer}, a person … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bunko — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bunko es un formato A6 (10.50 cm x 15 cm) utilizado en Japón para reeditar mangas ya publicados o light novels. Suelen tener el doble de páginas que un tomo normal (400) y su pequeño tamaño los hace algo más… … Wikipedia Español
bunko — noun bamboozlement, cheating, chicanery, con game, confidence trick, defraudation, double dealing, dupery, ensnarement, flimflam, gyp, hoax, legal chicanery, pettifogging, racket, ruse, skulduggery, supercherie, swindle, trick, victimization,… … Law dictionary
Bunko — Bun ko, n. [Sf. Sp. banco bank, banca a sort of game at cards. Cf. {Bank} (in the commercial sense).] A kind of swindling game or scheme, originally by means of cards or by a sham lottery, but now used for any swindling tactic. [Written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bunkō- — *bunkō , *bunkōn, *bunka , *bunkan germ., schwach Maskulinum (n): nhd. Haufe, Haufen; ne. heap (Neutrum), crowd (Neutrum); Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., mnd., ahd.; Hinweis: s. *bunka ; … Germanisches Wörterbuch
bunko — ☆ bunko [buŋ′kō ] n. pl. bunkos BUNCO vt. bunkoed, bunkoing … English World dictionary
Bunko — Au Japon le format bunko (文庫) ou bunkoban désigne une publication de petit format épais conçue pour obtenir un prix réduit. La taille typique est A6 et la couverture est souple. C est une sorte d équivalent des éditions de poche en France qui… … Wikipédia en Français
bunko — Bunco Bun co, n. see {bunko}. [Written also {bunko}.] [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bunko — noun a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property • Syn: ↑bunco, ↑bunco game, ↑bunko game, ↑con, ↑confidence trick, ↑confidence game, ↑con game, ↑gyp, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
bunko — /bung koh/, n., pl. bunkos, v., bunkoed, bunkoing. Informal. n. 1. a swindle in which a person is cheated at gambling, persuaded to buy a nonexistent, unsalable, or worthless object, or otherwise victimized. 2. any misrepresentation. v.t. 3. to… … Universalium