- Freedom Party of Switzerland
The Freedom Party of Switzerland (FPS) ( _de. Freiheits-Partei der Schweiz; _fr. Parti suisse de la liberté / PSL) is a minor populist
right-wing political party inSwitzerland . Its president and leading representative isJürg Scherrer , the head of the security department in the city government ofBiel/Bienne .History
The FPS was founded 1984 in
Zürich byMichael E. Dreher and other right-wing politicians as "Autopartei" ( _en.Automobile Party). It was intended to be a counterpart to theGreen Party of Switzerland and the contemporary concerns about the supposed "Waldsterben " due toacid rain . Focusing initially on personal mobility issues, one of its more well-known slogans was "Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger" ("A free road for free citizens").The party enjoyed moderate success in the cantonal parliaments, particularly in St. Gallen,
Thurgau andSchaffhausen ). The height of its power was reached in the 1991 National Council elections, when it captured 8 out of 200 seats and 4% of the national vote. Afterwards, the party's fortunes started to decline as many leading figures left the party in the course of internal disputes, mainly for the more mainstreamSwiss People's Party . Despite re-naming itself to "Freedom Party" in 1994, the FPS lost all national mandates in the 1999 elections and, as of 2006, retains but a very few parliamentary seats in some cantonal and municipal parliaments.Agenda
The FPS campaigns on a pronounced
right-wing agenda, advocating strict asylum and immigration laws, as well as a law and order approach to crime and drugs and a strongSwiss Army . It opposes Swiss membership in international organisations, but favors alaissez-faire economic policy,deregulation , tax cuts and a reduction of state spending. [De icon [http://www.freiheits-partei.ch/article-369-parteiprogramm-fps.html Party platform of May 8, 1999] on the party's website]The party and its exponents are also noted for their aggressive rhetoric, at least compared to that of mainstream Swiss parties. Its leader
Jürg Scherrer has been (unsuccessfully) sued several times under Swiss anti-discrimination laws on account of his disparaging statements aboutblack people and foreigners in general. The following excerpts from a statement of Scherrer's, posted on the party's website in 2006, may serve to illustrate the party's take on current issues:External links
*De icon [http://www.freiheits-partei.ch/ Website of the Freedom Party of Switzerland]
*HDS|17418|Freiheits-Partei|author=Hans Hirter|date=2005-04-05
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