

The Taurini were an ancient Celt-Ligurian people, who occupied the upper valley of the river Po, in the centre of modern Piedmont. In 218 BC, they were attacked by Hannibal since his allies were the Insubres. The Taurini and the Insubres had a long-standing feud. Their chief town ("Taurasia") was captured by Hannibal's forces after a three days siege (Polybius iii. 60, 8). As a people they are rarely mentioned in history. It is believed that a Roman colony was established in 27 BC with the name "Castra Taurinorum" and afterwards "Julia Augusta Taurinorum" (modern Turin). Both Livy (v. 34) and Strabo (iv. p. 209) speak of the country of the Taurini as including one of the passes of the Alps, which points to a wider use of the name in earlier times.



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