- Paleozoic Museum
Following the success of
Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins ' life-sized concrete dinosaur models created forEngland 's Crystal Palace for theGreat Exhibition of1851 , in1868 the Commissioners ofManhattan 's newly created Central Park recruited thesculptor to create replicas of America'santediluvian giants for a proposed museum inCentral Park . The museum was to have been known as thePaleozoic Museum (or Palaeozoic Museum), and foundations for the structure were laid by architectFrederick Law Olmsted at Central Park West and 63rd Street. Like Hyde Park's Crystal Palace, Hawkins' display was to be housed within a great iron frame and an arched glass roof. Surviving sketches and photographs show that Hawkins had planned an elaborate, ifanachronistic , menagerie, mixingMesozoic dinosaurs,plesiosaurs , andmosasaurs withextinct Cenozoic mammals .However, unfortunately for Hawkins and future generations, the planned museum ran afoul of
19th Century New York's corrupt politics. After Hawkins spoke out publicly against "Boss"William Marcy Tweed , vandals in the employ of Tweed broke into Hawkins' workshop on a spring day in1871 and used sledge-hammers to reduce the seven finished models and their molds, as well as other materials, to rubble. The ruined sculptures were then buried somewhere near the southwestern corner of the park.Afterwards, Hawkins went toPrinceton University where he painted a number of restorations of America's LateCretaceous environments (these have survived). He also managed to build one last dinosaur, a hadrosaur ("Hadrosaurus foulkii"). It was exhibited inPhiladelphia andWashington D.C. as part of commemorations of thecentenary of theDeclaration of Independence in1876 . Though the hadrosaur sculpture was allowed to decay and crumble, some fragments have recently been located, all that now survives of Hawkins' ill-fated American dinosaur models.Extant drawings by Hawkins, along with other records, indicate that the Paleozoic Museum would have included life-sized restorations of the
theropod "Laelaps" (="Dryptosaurus "), the hadrosaurid "Hadrosaurus ", the plesiosaur "Elasmosaurus ", and themosasaur "Mosasaurus " (all from the Upper Cretaceous marls ofNew Jersey ), along withglyptodont models, a pair of giant groundsloth , giantPleistocene elk,mammoths , andextinct mammalian carnivores . Hawkins models from the Crystal Palace exhibition have survived and can be seen today inSydenham Park.References
*Colbert, E.H. 1959. The Palaeozoic Museum in Central Park, or the Museum that Never Was. Curator 2:137-150.
*Man, J. 1978. The Day of the Dinosaur. Bison Books Limited. London.
*Rudwick, M. J. S. 1992. Scenes from Deep Time: Early Pictorial Representations of the Prehistoric World. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago.
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