

Bajmok (Бајмок, Hungarian: "Bajmok") is a village located in the Subotica municipality, in the North Bačka District of Serbia. It is situated in the autonomous province of Vojvodina. The village is ethnically mixed and its population numbering 8,586 people (2002 census).

Ethnic groups (2002 census)

The population of the village include:
*2,900 (33.78%) Serbs
*2,450 (28.54%) Hungarians
*1,266 (14.75%) Bunjevci
*700 (8.15%) Croats
*454 (5.29%) Yugoslavs
*102 (1.19%) Montenegrins

Historical population

*1961: 11,714
*1971: 10,861
*1981: 9,586
*1991: 8,620


*Slobodan Ćurčić, Broj stanovnika Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 1996.

ee also

*List of places in Serbia
*List of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina

External links

* [ Bajmok]

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