- Biomolecule
A biomolecule is any organic
molecule that is produced by livingorganism s, including largepolymer ic molecules such asprotein s,polysaccharide s, andnucleic acid s as well as small molecules such as primarymetabolite s,secondary metabolites s, andnatural product s.As organic molecules, biomolecules consist primarily of
carbon andhydrogen ,nitrogen , andoxygen , and, to a smaller extent,phosphorus andsulfur . Other elements sometimes are incorporated but are much less common.Types of biomolecules
A diverse range of biomolecules exist, including:
Small molecule s:
**Lipid ,phospholipid ,glycolipid ,sterol
**Hormone ,neurotransmitter
**Carbohydrate ,sugar
*Monomer s:
**Amino acid s
**Nucleotide s
**Monosaccharide s
*Polymer s:
**Peptide s,oligopeptide s,polypeptide s,protein s
**Nucleic acid s, i.e.DNA ,RNA
**Oligosaccharide s,polysaccharide s (includingcellulose )
**Lignin Nucleosides and nucleotides
Nucleosides are molecules formed by attaching a
nucleobase to aribose ring. Examples of these includecytidine ,uridine ,adenosine ,guanosine ,thymidine andinosine .Nucleosides can be phosphorylated by specific
kinase s in the cell, producingnucleotide s, which are the molecular building blocks of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).Saccharides
Monosaccharide s are the simplest form of carbohydrates with only one simple sugar. They essentially contain analdehyde orketone group in their structure. Examples of monosaccharides are thehexose sglucose ,fructose , andgalactose andpentose s, ribose, anddeoxyribose Disaccharide s are formed when two monosaccharides, or two single simple sugars, form a bond with removal of water. Examples of disaccharides includesucrose ,maltose , andlactose Polysaccharide s are polymerized monosaccharides, complex, carbohydrates. They have multiple simple sugars. Examples arestarch ,cellulose , andglycogen . They are generally large and often have a complex branched connectivity. Shorter polysaccharides, with 2 - 10 monomers, are calledoligosaccharide s. [cite book
last =Pigman
first = W.
authorlink =
coauthors = D. Horton
title = The Carbohydrates Vol. 1A
publisher =Academic Press
date = 1972
location = San Diego
pages = 3
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =68-26647 ]Lignin
Lignin is a random polymer composed mainly ofaromatic rings with short (up to three)aliphatic carbons chains connecting the rings. Lignin is the second most common biopolymer (after cellulose) and is one of the primary structural components of most plants. It contains subunits derived from "p"-coumaryl alcohol,coniferyl alcohol , andsinapyl alcohol [cite book|author= K. Freudenberg & A.C. Nash (eds)|year=1968|title=Constitution and Biosynthesis of Lignin|location=Berlin|publisher=Springer-Verlag] and is unusual among biomolecules in that it isracemic i.e. it is notoptically active . The lack of optical activity is because the polymerization of lignin occurs via free radical coupling reactions in which there is no preference for either configuration at a chiral center.Lipids
Lipid s are chieflyfatty acid ester s, and are the basic building blocks of biological membranes. Another biological role is energy storage (e.g.,triglyceride s). Most lipids consist of a polar orhydrophilic head (typically glycerol) and one to three nonpolar orhydrophobic fatty acid tails, and therefore they areamphiphilic . Fatty acids consist of unbranched chains of carbon atoms that are connected by single bonds alone (saturated fatty acids) or by both single anddouble bond s (unsaturated fatty acids). The chains are usually 14-24 carbon groups long, but it is always an even number.For lipids present in biological membranes, the hydrophilic head is from one of three classes:
Glycolipid s, whose heads contain anoligosaccharide with 1-15 saccharide residues.
*Phospholipid s, whose heads contain a positively charged group that is linked to the tail by a negatively charged phosphate group.
*Sterol s, whose heads contain a planar steroid ring, for example,cholesterol .Other lipids include
prostaglandins andleukotrienes which are both 20-carbon fatty acyl units synthesized fromarachidonic acid .They are also known as fatty acidsAmino acids
Amino acids contain bothamino andcarboxylic acid functional group s. (Inbiochemistry , the term amino acid is used when referring to those amino acids in which the amino and carboxylate functionalities are attached to the same carbon, plusproline which is not actually an amino acid).Amino acids are the building blocks of long
polymer chains. With 2-10 amino acids such chains are calledpeptide s, with 10-100 they are often calledpolypeptide s, and longer chains are known asprotein s. These protein structures have many structural and enzymatic roles in organisms.There are twenty amino acids that are encoded by the standard
genetic code , but there are more than 500 natural amino acids. When amino acids other than the set of twenty are observed in proteins, this is usually the result of modification after translation (protein synthesis ). Only two amino acids other than the standard twenty are known to be incorporated into proteins during translation, in certain organisms:*
Selenocysteine is incorporated into some proteins at a UGAcodon , which is normally a stop codon.
*Pyrrolysine is incorporated into some proteins at a UAG codon. For instance, in somemethanogen s in enzymes that are used to producemethane .Besides those used in
protein synthesis , other biologically important amino acids includecarnitine (used in lipid transport within a cell),ornithine ,GABA andtaurine .Protein structure
The particular series of amino acids that form a protein is known as that protein's
primary structure . This sequence is determined by the genetic makeup of the individual.Proteins have several, well-classified, elements of local structure formed by intermolecular attaraction, this forms thesecondary structure of protein. They are broadly divided in two,alpha helix andbeta sheet , also called beta pleated sheets. Alpha helices are formed of coiling of protein due to attraction between amine group of one amino acid with carboxylic acid group of other. The coil contains about 3.6 amino acids per turn and the alkyl group of amino acid lie outside the plane of coil. Beta pleated sheets are formed by strong continuous hydrogen bond over the length of protein chain. Bonding may be parallel or antiparallel in nature. Structurally,natural silk is formed of beta pleated sheets. Usually, a protein is formed by action of both these structures in variable ratios. Coiling may also be random.The overall 3D structure of a protein is termed itstertiary structure . It is formed as result of various forces likehydrogen bonding ,disulphide bridges ,hydrophobic interactions ,hydrophilic interactions,van der Waals force etc.When two or more differentpolypeptide chains cluster to form a protein,quaternary structure of protein is formed. Quarternary structure is a unique attribute ofpolymeric andheteromeric proteins likehaemoglobin , which consists of two alpha and two beta peptide chains.Apoenzymes
apoenzyme is the inactive storage and generally secretory form of a protein. This is required to protect the secretory cell from the activity of that protein.Apoenzymes becomes active enzyme on addition of acofactor . Cofactors can be either inorganic (e.g., metal ions andiron-sulfur clusters ) or organic compounds, (e.g.,flavin andheme ). Organic cofactors can be eitherprosthetic groups , which are tightly bound to an enzyme, orcoenzymes , which are released from the enzyme's active site during the reaction.Isoenzymes
Isoenzymes are the enzymes with similar function but different structure. they are products of different genes. They are produced in different organs to perform same function. LDH are examples of such enzymes. Their varied levels in blood are used to determine any deformity in the organ of secretion.Vitamins
vitamin is a compound that is generally not synthesized by a given organism but is nonetheless vital to its survival or health (for examplecoenzymes ). These compounds must be absorbed, or eaten, but typically only in trace quantities. When originally proposed byCasimir Funk , a Polishbiochemist , he believed them to all be basic and therefore named them vitalamines . The l was later dropped to form the word vitamines.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.