Elsa Watson

Elsa Watson

Elsa Watson is an American author. Her first novel, Maid Marian, details a history of Marian, the female companion to Robin Hood in most stories about the famous outlaw told after the late sixteenth century. (Watson's book shares a title and characters with Thomas Love Peacock's 1822 novel.)

Watson was inspired to write about Marian because "It struck [her] as strange that [Marian's] name is so well known, yet no one has a sense of her character beyond her role as Robin Hood's consort." She began writing while serving with her husband in the Peace Corps in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, scribbling early books by candlelight.

Elsa Watson graduated from Carleton College with a degree in classical languages and now lives on Bainbridge Island with her husband, cat, and two dogs.

External links and Sources

*Watson's [http://www.elsawatson.net/ official site]
* [http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=52793 Elsa Watson] at The Crown Publishing Group's site

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