

Infobox Ort in Österreich
Art = Marktgemeinde
Name = Kobersdorf
Wappen = Wappen kobersdorf.jpg
Wappengröße =
lat_deg = 47 | lat_min = 35 | lat_sec = 43
lon_deg = 16 | lon_min = 23 | lon_sec = 32
Karte =
Bundesland = Burgenland
Bezirk = Oberpullendorf
Höhe = 320
Fläche = 27.3
Einwohner = 1893
Stand = 2005-12-31
PLZ = 7332
Vorwahl = 02618
Kfz = OP
Gemeindekennziffer = 1 08 07
NUTS = AT111
Straße = Hauptstraße 38
Website = [http://www.kobersdorf.at www.kobersdorf.at]
Bürgermeister = Klaus Schütz
Partei = SPÖ
Gemeinderatanzahl = 21
Gemeinderat = 11 SPÖ, 7 ÖVP, 3 ZDORF
Wahljahr = 2007

Kobersdorf is an Austrian market town in Oberpullendorf, Burgenland. Its Hungarian name is Kabold.


Kobersdorf is located in Middle Burgenland and is divided into the districts of Kobersdorf, Lindgraben, and Oberpetersdorf. The municipality lies at the foot of the Pauliberg, the last extinct volcano in Austria in the middle of the Naturpark Landseer Berge.


Like the rest of Burgenland, Kobersdorf belonged to Hungary as part of German West-Hungary until 1920/21. Since 1898, it had been forced to change its name to the Hungarian version: "Kabold" because of Budapest's policy of Magyarization, but it reverted to the German version after joining Austria.

After the end of the First World War, the territory of German West-Hungary was given to Austria by the Treaties of St. Germain and Trianon. Since 1921, the town has belonged to the newly founded State of Burgenland.

Kobersdorf was one of the Jewish Siebengemeinden of Burgenland. Its synagogue, built in 1860 is the only one in the seven communities that still stands. Since its restoration, it has been used for memorial services.

Kobersdorf has been a market town since 1973 (through a recently reissued VO 5).


Kobersdorf's mayor is Klaus Schütz of the SPÖ, Vice-Mayor Johann Binder is a member of the ÖVP. The Chief Officer is Hans Helmut Tremmel.

The mandate assignments in the Municipal Council (21 seats) are SPÖ 11, ÖVP 7, FPÖ 0, Grüne 0, and other lists 3.

ister Cities

*Waldbrunn (Odenwald) in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Culture and Landmarks

Kobersdorf Palace is famous for the plays that take place there every July. Since 2004, they have been led by Wolfgang Böck, before that the director was Rudolf Buczolich. In the 2006 season, the production will be the The Threepenny Opera. Wolfgang Böck will play the roll of Mackie Messer.

Business and Infrastructure

The most important employers are:
* the mineral water producer [http://www.waldquelle.at/ Waldquelle]
* the Basalt quarry on the Pauliberg
* the [http://www.hobbyversand.at/ Hobby Versand] Company
* the [http://www.reitter.at/ Reitter Bau] Company


*The information in this article is based on a translation of its German equivalent.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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