Louis Lejeune

Louis Lejeune

Louis Lejeune Ltd. is a small bronze foundry in England, producing mainly small ornamental bronzes, decorative architectural fittings, and car mascots (hood ornaments). It is the only surviving maker of custom car mascots from the art deco era of the 1920s and 1930s when many new cars were fitted with a mascot.

The company was founded in 1910 by Emil Lejeune and continued by his son, Louis. In 1979, the company was bought by Sir David Hughes, a noted sculptor of heraldic animals and crests. Hughes moved the firm from London to Wilburton in Cambridgeshire. Hughes revitalized the firm's car mascot business, producing custom mascots for the Queen (a pheasant), Prince Charles (a polo player), and other members of the Royal Family. The firm produced other commissioned pieces including candle sconces for Ely Cathedral, as well as doorknobs and finials for Westminster Abbey.


*cite news|title=Obituary of Sir David Hughes, Bt who taught himself casting in bronze and was known as a sculptor of heraldic animals and crests |date=May 22, 2003|work=The Daily Telegraph (London)|page=31

External links

* [http://www.louislejeune.com/ Official site]
* [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=liUhz-3f7PYC&pg=PA38&lpg=PA38&dq=louis+lejeune+automobile+quarterly&source=web&ots=YZX-zFEzBM&sig=rOeZKLi5fdkvPhwkdpGyr-HDCE8&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA33,M1/ Automobile Quarterly vol 43]

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