Bertrand Renouvin

Bertrand Renouvin

Bertrand Renouvin (b. 15 June 1943) is the founder and president of French political movement Nouvelle Action Royaliste, an orleanist group which aims at restoring constitutional monarchy in France. One may say his orientation is now close to the original Gaullism which originated from the Resistance movement. On the other hand, Renouvin's beliefs have been close to left wing of political spectrum, hence his support for François Mitterrand.

He regularly publishes editorials in "Royalist", the semi-monthly of his movement, in which Renouvin professes anti-liberal doctrines.

Bertrand Renouvin was a candidate in presidential election 1974, obtaining 0.14% of votes in the first round.

In the presidential elections 1981 and 1988, he supported François Mitterrand, candidate of French Socialist Party.

As a remarkable performer and serious polemist, he is recognized never not to yield to the facility, and his wide-range knowledge of politics and economy makes him an appreciated lecturer. His many works present our society as sick and propose remedies which he often includes in his editorials in the "Royalist".

Very close to the Count of Paris, Renouvin is very listened of the king Simeon II of Bulgaria and his souverainist Gaullism is said to have nothing fortuitous but is the result of more than thirty years of public life, at the economic and social council and the leadership of his neo-royalist movement.

At the time of the last presidential elections (2002), Renouvin chose to support the candidature of Jean-Pierre Chevènement, only souverainist able in Renouvin's view to gather the good will of both left and right for the purpose of regaining France her position in the world. Thus, Renouvin was also member of "Pôle Républicain", a committee of different politicians across the spectrum supporting Chevènement's candidature.

Renouvin's father, Jacques Renouvin, was a hero of the French Resistance of World War II.

External links

* [ Bertrand Renouvin's homepage (in French)]

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