Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award

Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award

The Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award is an award made annually by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel to "an individual or NGO that has made a unique contribution to the advancement of human rights in Israel". The award was established in 1981 but was renamed in 1983 after the murder of activist Emil Grunzweig by a grenade thrown by a right-wing sympathizer during a Peace Now demonstration against the war in Lebanon.

Winners of the award

Winners of the award have included: :1981 - Gabriel Stern, journalist for Al Hamishmar.:1982 - Yehuda Litani, Ha'aretz reporter in the occupied territories; special posthumous recognition to Dr. Robert Walsh, a Jewish journalist in Germany.:1983 - Lieutenant Colonel Dov Yirmiya, for his activities promoting the welfare of civilians in Lebanon; this was the year the award was first named after Emil Grunzweig. :1984 - Moshe Negbi, editor of the radio program "Din Udvarim".:1985 - Baruch Meiri, journalist for Ma'ariv.:1986 - Prof. Yitzhak Zamir, former legal advisor to the government.:1987 - High court justice Zvi Berenson.:1988 - Reporters in the occupied territories. :1989 - Alice Shalvi, the founder of the Israel Women's Network.:1990 - Yitzhak Kadman, head of the National Council on Children's Welfare.:1991 - Dr. Lotta Saltzburger, a founder of the Hotline for Victims of Violence.:1992 - Bassem Eid, the founder of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group; special award to Mr. James Ya'acov Rosenthal, journalist, for his lifelong devotion to human rights.:1993 - Eyal Simchoni, attorney.:1994 - Yitzhak Clinton Bailey, campaigner for Bedouin rights.:1995 - Foundation for aid to women and girls victims of violence in the Arab sector.:1996 - Gideon Levy, Ha'aretz journalist.:1997 - Community Defense, a legal organisation that assists residents of impoverished neighborhoods in obtaining their rights; the Gouarish family for agreeing to donate the organs of their son, killed by Israeli Defence Forces fire, to recipients both Jewish and Arab.:1998 - Workers' Hotline, for their activities promoting the rights of foreign workers; Major General Hareven; special lifetime award to Shulamit Aloni.:1999 - Physicians for Human Rights and its founder Ruchama Marton.:2000 - Ha'aretz journalist Dr. Yossi Algazi.:2002 - Miriam Darmoni Sharvit and Sigal Rosen of the hotline for foreign workers.:2004 - the women of Machsom Watch, organization of Israeli women who monitor checkpoints.:2005 - Hanna Safran, feminist.

External links

* [http://www.acri.org.il/hebrew-acri/engine/story.asp?id=176 Full list of prizewinners in Hebrew from ACRI site]

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