- Saccharomycetales
name = "PAGENAME"
image_width =
image_caption =
regnum = Fungi
phylum =Ascomycota
subphylum =Saccharomycotina
classis =Saccharomycetes
ordo = Saccharomycetales
ordo_authority = Kudryatsev, 1960 [cite book | author = Kudryatsev, V. | year = 1960 | title = Die Systematik der Hefen | publisher = Berlin: Akademie Verlag]
subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision =Ascoideaceae Cephaloascaceae Dipodascaceae Endomycetaceae Eremotheciaceae Lipomycetaceae Metschnikowiaceae Phaffomycetaceae Saccharomycetaceae Saccharomycodaceae Saccharomycopsidaceae Saccharomycetales is an order in the kingdom of
fungi that comprises the buddingyeast s.References
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