Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada
- Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada
Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada (SGF) - a fellowship for Baptist churches in Canada holding to either the Baptist Confession of 1646 or 1689.
Leigh Powell, Bill Payne, and Roger Fellows started this loose association of churches in the 1970s as a Reformed Baptist witness in Ontario, Canada. SGF claims to be baptistic, evangelistic, and holds to the doctrine of sovereign grace. Churches hold the authority of Scripture in all matters of faith and practice, the autonomy of the local church, a regenerate church membership, believers' baptism by immersion, liberty of conscience, and separation of church & state. Churches believe that God has chosen certain individuals for salvation, but also believe that God uses means to save His elect.
The purpose of the SGF is to promote cooperation between member churches, especially in the areas of world missions, church planting, evangelization, & education, and to assist churches in maintaining sound doctrine. Any church requesting membership that agrees with the doctrinal stance and constitution of the SGF may be received by a 2/3 majority vote of the delegates of the "Sovereign Grace Fellowship". The governance of the Fellowship is committed to a Board of Directors, General Coordinator, and Treasurer, chosen by the delegates in general assembly. The General Assembly is held annually, and each member church is allowed 3 delegates, who must be either elders or deacons of the church they represent. The "Sovereign Grace Fellowship" had 10 member churches in 2003, located in New Brunswick and Ontario.
External links
* [ Official web site]
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