slam-bang — slam banger, n. /slam bang /, adv. Informal. 1. with noisy violence: He drove slam bang through the garage door. 2. quickly and carelessly; slapdash. adj. 3. noisy and violent. 4. excitingly fast paced, esp. in a noisy and violent way; action… … Universalium
slam|bang — «SLAM BANG», adverb, adjective, verb. Informal. –adv. with a slam and a bang; with noisy or headlong violence: »The car went slambang into a fence. –adj. violent and noisy; unrestrained: »... the slambang, profane hit play, “The Front Page”… … Useful english dictionary
slam-bang — slam′ bang′ adv. 1) inf with noisy violence 2) inf quickly and carelessly; slapdash 3) inf noisy and violent 4) cvb inf excitingly fast paced, esp. in a noisy and violent way: a slam bang movie[/ex] 5) cvb inf slapdash 6) cvb inf outstanding;… … From formal English to slang
Slam-bang — adv. With great violence; with a slamming or banging noise. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slam-bang — [slam′baŋ′] adv. Informal 1. swiftly or abruptly and recklessly 2. with loud noise adj. Informal characterized by liveliness, noise, etc … English World dictionary
slam-bang — 1. adjective a) Noisy, raucous. At a signal from Horkos box there was an all out, slam bang, grand salute of the guns and with it a pounding of the deep liquid bass drums. b) Violent, forceful Their arguments werent pleasant to hear or to watch,… … Wiktionary
slam-bang — adjective Date: circa 1823 1. unduly loud or violent < a slam bang clatter > 2. having fast paced often nonstop action < a slam bang adventure novel > 3. vigorously enthusiastic < made a slam bang effort to win > … New Collegiate Dictionary
slam-bang — I adjective violent and sudden and noisy a slam bang collision • Similar to: ↑violent • Usage Domain: ↑slang, ↑cant, ↑jargon, ↑lingo, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
slam-bang — mod. wild; exciting. □ It was a slam bang weekend, and I loved every minute of it. □ Wow, did we ever have a slam bang time! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
slam-bang — /slæm ˈbæŋ/ (say slam bang) adverb → slap bang (def. 1) …