Schocken Books

Schocken Books

Schocken Books ("Schocken Verlag") is a publishing company that was established in Berlin with a publishing office in Prague in 1931 by the Schocken Department Store owner Salman Schocken. It published the writings of Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Franz Kafka and S. Y. Agnon, among others.

After being closed by the Germans in 1939, it moved to Palestine under the name "Schocken Publishing". In 1945 it moved to New York City.

In 1987 it joined "Random House Publishing" where Schocken continues to publish Jewish literary works.

elected Publications in English

Franz Kafka

* "The Trial"
* "The Castle"
* "Amerika"
* "The Diaries 1910-1923"
* "Letters to Felice"
* "Letters to Ottla"
* "Letters to Milena"
* "Letters to Family, Friends, and Editors"
* "The Complete Stories"
* "The Sons"
* ""
* "The Great Wall of China"
* "Dearest Father":Billingual Editions
* "The Metamorphosis"
* "Parables and Paradoxes"
* "Letter to His Father"

Walter Benjamin

* "Illuminations"
* "Reflections"

Gershom Scholem

* "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism"
* "The Messianic Idea in Judaism"
* "On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead"
* "On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism"
* "Zohar: The Book of Splendor"

Hannah Arendt

* "The Promise of Politics"
* "The Jewish Writings"
* "Responsibility and Judgment"
* "Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954"
* "The Origins of Totalitarianism"

Elie Wiesel

* "The Time of the Uprooted"
* "Somewhere a Master"
* "Wise Men and Their Tales
* "The Judges"
* "Legends of Our Time"
* "After the Darkness"
* "And the Sea Is Never Full"
* "The Testament"
* "The Fifth Son"
* "A Beggar in Jerusalem"
* "All Rivers Run to the Sea"
* "The Trial of God"
* "Twilight"
* The Gates of the Forest"
* "The Town Beyond the Wall"
* "The Forgotten"
* "From the Kingdom of Memory"
* "The Oath"

ee also

*Nahum Norbert Glatzer

External links

* [ Schocken] at Random House
*A Conversation about Schocken Books []

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