- Lunsers
Lunsers refers to the Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale.
Within the field of
psychiatry , many simple and complex tools exist for the rating of such things as severity of illness and problems associated with the use of medications, for treatingmental illness . The medications used to treat mental illness — paricularly psychotic disorders — are refererred to as anti-psychotics orneuroleptics . Both phrases, although generally used interchangeably, are not actually the same.The lunsers is designed to monitor medication-induced side effects. This psychiatric assessment tools allows for the monitoring of side effects related to
neuroleptic (or anti-psychotic) medications. The test is a self-reported check-tick box format with a predefined scale from 'not at all' to 'very much'. The test asks 51 questions in all with a number being red herrings to test for people over-rating themselves. It has been propsed that this is useful for spottingmalingerer s andhypochondriac s, however its intention in the original research proposal for Lunsers was to demonstrate the robustness and reliability of self-reporting.There are seven subcategories in the overall results:
*Extrapyramidal - parkinsonion type side effects.
*Autonomic - related to uncontrollable side effects.
*Psychic - relating to the functioning of mind and emotion.
* miscellaneous/various - known side effects without category.
*Anticholinergic - side-effects impacting the choline system.
*Allergic reaction .
*Prolactin - many neuroleptics affect hormones particularly prolactin.And, of course,
* red herrings - designed to trap people who over-rate symptoms.External links
* [http://scides.canberra.edu.au/nursing/pdf/lunsers.pdf Paper on the use of lunsers]
* [http://www.symplexsoftware.com/images/LunsersScale.pdf lunsers and related materials]
* [http://www.symplexsoftware.com/lunsers.asp scoring lunsers]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.