- Rock català
The term Rock Català (Catalan for: "Catalan Rock") is used to describe those bands singing in Catalan of any music style, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The last years of
Spain under Franco were shattered by a generation of singers that claimed and called for democracy. In this context, "LaNova Cançó " is theprotest song musical and political movement of artists singing in Catalan, likeLluís Llach ,Raimon orOvidi Montllor . In the late 1960s and during the 1970s, the "Nova Cançó" movement introduced lyrics in Catalan in contemporary music in order to reach wider audiences (until then, this language was only used infolk songs); then, by the 1980s and the advent of democracy in Spain their popularity was waning.Then, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the "
Generalitat de Catalunya ", in the absence of a wide enough demand, offered grants for rock bands singing in Catalan. This made possible the formation of several bands singing in Catalan and, with them, the introduction of the then innovative concept of a rock music scene in Catalan.The musical styles are diverse within the movement, being sole relation between these bands the use of the
Catalan language in their lyrics.Some representative bands of this movement include:
*Els Pets
*Obrint Pas
*Sopa de Cabra
*Whyskin's Cullons
*The Companys
*Umpah-pahExternal links
* [http://rockcatala.com/ RockCatala.com] ca icon
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