- Service record
A service record is a collection of either electronic or printed material which provides a documentary
history of a person's activities and accomplishments while serving as a member of a givenorganization . Service records are most often associated with themilitary , but are commonly found in other groups, such as largecorporations or for use byemployee s of a civiliangovernment .United States armed forces
Service records of the
United States armed forces are considered vital documents both for historical reasons and also to help secureveteran benefits for discharged or retired service members. In addition, service records of the U.S. military provide a chronology of a service member's career and thus ensure accurate tracking of accomplishments, activities, and promotions.Active duty U.S. military service records are maintained by the various branches of the U.S. armed forces. Retired and discharged service records are maintained at the
Military Personnel Records Center inSt. Louis, Missouri .After 2005, most U.S. military service records are retained by the military branch since most such records are electronically stored.
Typical makeup of a United States military paper service record
DD Form 214
* Master personnel folder (201 File, Service Record Book, AF Form 7, etc)
*Officer Qualification Record (OQR) (if commissioned)
* Evaluations and fitness reports
* Awards and citations
* Disciplinary data andcourt martial records
* Dependent and emergency contact records
* Clothing allowance and leave records
* Letters and varrious correspondence
* Security clearance information
* Reserve points and reserve service history (if applicable)
* Discharge DataNazi Germany
The records of
Nazi Germany are extensive and the record keeping ability of theNazi Party was generally considered to be extremely meticulous. Service records of Nazi organizations are maintained at the Berlin Document Center, inBerlin, Germany , with severalmicrofiche copies of these records available at theNational Archives and Records Administration inCollege Park, Maryland .Records of the Wehrmacht, that is the regular armed forces of Germany during
World War II , are maintained at the "Bundesarchiv", also in Berlin.ee also
*OQR References
* [http://www.usmc.mil/directiv.nsf/0dce83e13c9c8aa685256c0c0066c2e0/8cc4b8f60d653fda852569770048df10/$FILE/MCO%20P1070.12K%20W%20CH%201.pdf| Marine Corps Individual Records Administration Manual(IRAM)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.